Forbes Featured Articles

Jan 24, 2019

If you’ve been following along with us so far this year, you know we’re fans of taking a moment to highlight the meaningful partnerships and projects that filled 2018. As the final chapter to that reflection, we’d like to share some fun reads published on Forbes, in case you missed them.

Unlocking the Power of Data with the Right Team

By Keith Johnson via the Forbes Technology Council

“With technology changing the amount of data we now have access to and the speed at which we conduct business, we sometimes forget to consider how our people and the needs of our organizations are evolving along with it. Marketing research, in particular, is an area where data — and increased volumes of it — has some of the greatest impact.” 

Read the full article here.

What Is Consumer Data Privacy, and Where Is It Headed?

By Keith Johnson via the Forbes Technology Council

“Technology is changing our concept of privacy. A world without music streaming, binge-watching shows or using our smart devices to manage our lives isn’t a world many of us would choose to live in. We have grown accustomed to the ease with which technology enables our lives. Yet, our reliance on and comfort with technology creates a constant erosion of our privacy — and sometimes we’re not even aware of the tradeoffs. Given all of this, the question is, in our modern world, is privacy even possible? And if not, what level of control should we reasonably expect as consumers?”

Read the full article here.

The Impact of Data Privacy on Your Business

By Keith Johnson via the Forbes Technology Council

“Consumers are more aware than ever of the impact of data privacy on their personal lives. As chief product officer of a business that is focused on helping businesses better understand their target audience, I have seen that consumers are beginning to understand that data is the currency that makes free or near-free services possible, and they’re thinking carefully about the tradeoffs of sharing personal information. But as businesses, how are we to respond to this shift in consumer thinking — and more importantly, how does it affect the way we conduct business and understand consumers?”

Read the full article here.

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